If a child returns to sports, music or dance instruction after an absence of four years, he or she is most likely going to struggle. Yet kids are placed in this exact situation when they skip HMKids classes between sacramental years.
When children aren’t being brought to Mass and they haven’t been at HMKids since First Communion, they may wonder why they need to return in grades 7 and 8 and receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Parents may be shocked to learn that their children don’t have a desire to be confirmed.
Some middle schoolers approaching Confirmation struggle with not having a relationship with Jesus and how to have one. They have a hard time talking about what kind of prayer life they have and they have difficulty locating books and verses in the Bible.
“Children need a consistent experience of Mass and faith-building and prayer life. When they don’t do those things, they don’t know why they need Confirmation,” said Diane Bruce, Director of Faith Formation.
When a child is baptized, parents agree to bring the child up to be a disciple of Christ. “That’s a promise they made,” Diane said. Teens are at a stage in life when they are deciding if they want to be Catholic. Adults know from experience that in life, everyone is bound to find themselves in some difficult situations. Having a strong faith and a relationship with Jesus helps a person navigate through the tough times. Without that spiritual foundation, Diane said, “How do they make good decisions?”