ChristLife Series
ChristLife Series
Discover, Follow and Share
Holy Martyrs has embarked on a purposeful effort to introduce adults to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the transformative love that flows from that relationship. Part of this effort uses the ChristLife series – a three-step process that is changing and transforming lives. The series consists of three essential elements: discover, follow, and share.
Discovering Christ
We each know people in our lives, communities, and even parishes who wonder about the meaning of life. God gives us the responsibility to open doors and provide spaces of encounter with the personal love of our Lord Jesus for people who are searching for the ultimate meaning of life.
Discovering Christ creates this open door for people who are searching for meaning – a place where we can share the Good News and the personal love of Jesus Christ.
Length: Seven weekly sessions, with a 1-day weekend retreat after week 5
More information and registration for Discovering Christ can be found by clicking HERE.
Following Christ
After encountering the personal love of Jesus Christ, people are hungry to dive into their new or renewed relationship with him in the context of community.
Following Christ provides the tools to help Catholics grow in discipleship, including daily personal prayer, hearing God in Scripture, the power of the sacraments, forgiving one another, spiritual warfare, etc. Following Christ is for those who have completed Discovering Christ.
Length: Seven weekly sessions, with a 1-day weekend retreat after week 5
More information and registration for Following Christ can be found by clicking HERE.
Sharing Christ
Our faith journey can’t stop with encountering the life-changing love of Jesus Christ and growing as his disciples. We are called to share the Good News with others! Evangelization must become the everyday lifestyle for Christians if the Church is to become a vibrant witness in our culture once again.
Sharing Christ equips Catholics with the practical skills to proclaim the Gospel, draw others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and invite them to become his disciples as members of the Church. Sharing Christ is for those who have completed both Discovering Christ and Following Christ.
Length: Six weekly sessions, ending with a 1-day weekend retreat
More information and registration for Sharing Christ can be found by clicking HERE.