How Does Stephen Ministry Support the Mission of Holy Martyrs?
The mission of Holy Martyrs is to Encounter Christ, Grow in Faith, and Make Disciples. Here’s how Stephen Ministry supports that mission.
Encounter Christ – Christ is at the heart of this caring ministry. Stephen Ministers are called to become Christ to others and, by their example, teach us to be like Christ to someone who is struggling. Christ works through Stephen Ministers. The Stephen Minister is the caregiver, Christ is the cure-giver.
Grow in Faith – Stephen Ministers grow in faith, hope, and love as they see what God is doing in and through them, both in their training and in their caring relationships. The fruit of the Spirit is increasingly evident in the ways Stephen Ministers relate to one another, their care receivers, and people in every area of their lives. They learn to reflect Christ in all they do.
Make Disciples – Stephen Ministry is an excellent means of fulfilling the Great Commission to go and make disciples (Matthew 28: 18-20). By caring for people who are hurting, Stephen Ministers tangibly offer the love of Jesus. Stephen Ministers’ prayers with and for their care receivers welcome Christ’s presence into the caring relationship. As they listen, empathize, validate, care for, and support their care receivers, they demonstrate the compassion of Christ.
Next week: What is the biblical basis for Stephen Ministry?