If I am interested in becoming a Stephen Minister or I have questions about Stephen Ministry, what do I do?
If you have a calling to provide care and support to hurting people, becoming a Stephen Minister is one way to live out that calling. It is an opportunity to serve God, help others, and grow in faith – a life-transforming experience.
The first step is to prayerfully consider becoming a part of this crucial, caring ministry. Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to help you discern how God might be calling you to ministry.
Then, as an important part of your discernment, contact Janet Payton via the church office or talk with one of our Holy Martyrs Stephen Leaders:
Skip McQuate
Betsy Wehe
Denny Marco
Michelle Schaefer
They can give you more information, answer questions, and talk to you about the application, interview, and training process.
Next week: How does Stephen Ministry support the mission of our parish?