If you, yourself, would like to have the help of a Stephen minister, you can call the church office and ask for Janet. She will ask you some general questions to help match you with a confidential Stephen Minister.
If it is someone else that you think could use a caring companion, introduce the topic of Stephen Ministry. Help the person to see the benefits of having a trusted friend to talk to and pray with. Should the person agree to it, Janet or a Stephen Leader would contact the person about receiving care.
Some ways to gently suggest a Stephen Minister:
“As we’ve been talking about what you’re going through, I’ve been thinking about how much you’d benefit from having a Stephen Minister to walk alongside you.”
“It sounds like you’re dealing with a lot of different feelings right now and adjusting to quite a bit of change. Having a Stephen Minister could help support you as you work through all that.”
“The work our Stephen Ministers do is such an important part of our ministry. I’d like to put you in touch with one. I know you would benefit from having one of our Stephen ministers come by and visit with you on a regular basis. With your permission, I’d be happy to connect you with one.”
Sometimes a potential care receiver might hesitate or decline. The person may need to think and pray about the offer. Give the person time and then check back in when they have had an opportunity to think about it.