Care & Assistance
Holy Martyrs prayer support includes daily prayers by the staff and those who are able to offer prayers for all those who are ill, who are unemployed, those who are encountering difficulties in their marriage or with children, as well as for those who have died. Prayer requests are submitted online, in person or through phone calls and email and then passed on to those in the Prayer Support Chain the same way. If you would like to submit a prayer request, email churchoffice@holymartyrs.net.
Hospital/Home Visits
When a member of our parish community is ill and hospitalized, a call to our parish office at 330-722-6633 will allow one of the pastoral staff to visit in the hospital or home, to pray with and for the person and to bring Holy Communion. Fr. Steve is available for anointing of the sick, which may be requested in advance of planned surgeries or medical treatments as well as when one is suddenly hospitalized. Holy Martyrs also offers communal anointing of the sick twice each year as a regular opportunity for those who desire this sacrament of healing for any physical, emotional or spiritual illness.
Members of our parish visit the sick and bring the Eucharist each week to those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, or are sick or infirm at home. If you or someone you know would like to receive Communion, please call Holy Martyrs parish office at 330.722.6633.
Financial Assistance
HM Cares is able to respond to those who face emergencies and need groceries or help with necessities like rent or utilities when there has been the loss of employment or other crises. Our food pantry assists families in our area, following an interview that determines how their needs might best be met. If you need assistance, please contact HM Cares directly at 330.635.4989 or hmcares20@gmail.com. For more information about HM Cares, click HERE.
Comfort During Times of Sorrow
Those who are facing terminal illness with their families are a special focus of pastoral care and support and every effort is made to journey with people through this difficult but often surprisingly grace-filled time. Fr. Steve or Janet are grateful to be able to be present to offer support and appreciate calls to alert the pastoral staff to these situations, which often develop suddenly. Our Ministry of Consolation members are also attentive to the needs of parishioners and their families with prayers, providing sources for the grieving and periodic grief support groups.