Legacy Giving
– A Simple and Easy way to Share your Legacy –

Did you know that nearly 70% of Americans do not have a valid will? Do you have your wishes spelled out? How about in case of your death, have you planned for your funeral and your earthly repose? All of these are important issues to think about, in advance. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give your family, and we have a resource for you.
The Catholic Community Foundation has partnered with FreeWill, a free online tool made available to ALL Diocesan parishes and their parishioners, that makes it easy to create your will and:
• Secure the future for your loved ones.
• Steward all of the blessings you’ve received from God.
• Support your Parish or any other organization that is important to you.

Angel Scholarship Fund
– Support Holy Martyrs Church & St. Francis Xavier Catholic School with your Ohio taxes –

You may be aware of the Angel Scholarship Fund (ASF) tax credit opportunity that is benefiting our parish, our partnership school (St. Francis Xavier) and its students. In a nutshell, Ohio taxpayers may receive a 100% tax credit against their Ohio income tax liability for donations to an approved Scholarship Granting Organization, up to a maximum of $750 ($1,500 for married couples filing jointly, when each spouse makes a donation). What a wonderful opportunity to provide financial help to those seeking a Catholic education at no net cost to donors!
More good news – students from every Catholic school in the Diocese of Cleveland, including our partner, St. Francis Xavier, are able to apply for tuition assistance in the form of a scholarship from the Angel Scholarship Fund, a Scholarship Granting Organization that supports all schools in our Diocese. This fund is being managed locally by the Catholic Community Foundation, and they are accepting contributions that can be designated specifically for scholarships for students at our school (or those of another Catholic school in the diocese). Undesignated contributions are awarded as scholarships across a diocesan-wide pool of applicants from any Catholic school by prioritizing low-income status and need – comparable to the current diocesan tuition assistance program.
The Angel Scholarship Fund was created as a Scholarship Granting Organization to facilitate this program in our diocese through the Catholic Community Foundation. You can find more info and make a donation at: CatholicCommunity.org/angel.
The intent of the Angel Scholarship Fund is to offer donors the option of making:
· A contribution that supports schools and students across the Diocese of Cleveland based on financial need (“undesignated gift”), OR
· A contribution that is designated to benefit students at a specific Catholic school (“designated gift”).
We recommend giving to St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, or please make designation to the school of your choice.